

Two airfields.


Airfield of  Rafaï:

Length 1,3 km permits the landing in all security of plane of 12 passengers.

Soil in latérite permits to use it in time of rain without problem.


Airfield of Baroua of 0,9 km

 At the opposite part of the zone, it allows the landing of small airplanes

The rivers.

 The rivers M’Bomou, Chinko and Vovodo permit to reach unvisited sectors.

The pirogues are the most efficient boats to go up or to descend the rivers.

Four pirogues of 12 meters each on average to load a ton of merchandise.

They are equipped with motors of 15 to 25 CV.

The cascades are cross up hauling the discharged pirogues. The speed is on average from 15 to 20 kilometers per hour.

According to the camps the pirogues is used often at dawn to reach favorable places.


The tracks.

The displacements on track take place all land by car. The network of track of about 400 kilometers permits to approach the salines and to join the camps distributed to the four corners of the zone.





Organization, Professional Hunter: Jacques Lemaux
via Bovecchio 45,  Barberino di Mugello, 50031 Firenze, Italy. Tel/Fax: +39 055 8420670. 
